Technical difficulties have kept me from accessing my blog the past few weeks. So frustrating! As much as I enjoy technology I sometimes feel a real longing for the days of paper and pencil for the pure and simple fact that they don't ever let you down. I am so reliant upon technology in my old age that I can not even conceive of actually writing an article or a story in a notebook any more. It's way too slow!
We in the final stretch of the 2010-2011 school year and I have to admit I am as excited as my students about the 2 1/2 month reprieve we are about to receive. It has been a tough year for me. Losing Dad in July put a dark cloud over the summer that I couldn't really seem to get out from under once school picked up again in September. And then to return to a job I have always loved in part because of my close friend who up and decided to better her life by moving away was a big let down. I have to admit I have missed my "twin" a great deal this year- she always knew just when to pop in and say something funny or slip me a handful of Dove chocolates. Knowing at any moment I might find her dancing down the hall in flip flops we aren't really supposed to wear kept my days lighthearted and fun. To return knowing she was gone when I needed the light she brought to my days was tough.
Lucky for me I have other wonderful friends and we have found ourselves growing even closer this year as one worked her way through this ugly recession and the other fought a valiant battle against breast cancer- AND WON! Yay!!! If not for their support and love I am not sure I would have held it together as well I hope I did this year. Thanks to them I still love teaching, have not given up writeing and was able to avoid committment to the nearest mental hospital. Thanks ladies! I love you!
My tenth year of teaching is just about to come to an end and I find myself wondering how the time passed so quickly. For full retirement I still have twenty years to go. That feels like a really long time to balance being a full time teacher with full time mother and full time wife. Being a working mother has been a challange that, were circumstances in my life different, I may not have taken on. Fortunately my chosen career provides me as much oppotunity as possible to be with my children as I can while still earning a salary. Not all working moms are as lucky as I am.
Last night I attended my youngest son's end of year program at his school. Both of my boys have attended the same private school for preschool. The older boy went all the way through first grade and his little brother at least attend through kindergarten. Anyway, as I sat in the sanctuary of the church while the various classes sang and performed their songs I had to marvel at the peace I felt. Surrounded by parents I had known for years, I watched as my little one- dressed in a Hawaiian shirt, lei and straw hat- sang and did a hula dance with his classmates and teachers. I marveled at how fortunate we have been to have so many people love our children and participate in molding and shaping their minds and spirits as they grow and become "people".
I am a big believer in the "It takes a village" theory of child rearing. I would surely like to think that I am perfect- mother of the year every year- but I am not. There is so much that I don't know and so much others have to offer that I am grateful to have become a part of such an amazing community of teachers and day care providers. They have helped my boys grow into sensitive, kind, caring human beings. Not to mention the awesome education they are recieving. My oldest boy has been reading chapter books since he was in pre-k (thank you Ms. Kelly! You know we love you!!) and took two years of Spanish lessons before he hit second grade. Now he has been accepted into the gifted and talented program. My little one will starte kindergarten with the amazing Ms. Kelly in the fall as well as Spanish lessons with his beloved Pre-School teacher.
I am not a super mom and I will never, ever claim to be. I couldn't do everything some mom's can and I would never be a successful stay at home mother. I so completly admire those that are successful at one of the most important jobs ever. I simply know my limitations. But, when I think about all the people from neighbors, to aunts to teachers and friends that are helping me and my husband raise our children, I am certain that we live in the best "village" anyone could hope for. I love you all.
AMEN....and thank you! It just works here....I said it before and I will say it again. God brought me here for a reason. I had those same feelings when I walked in the doors of CRCA. You have amazing young boys. Keep up the good work MOM! Love you all too!