Thursday, September 22, 2011

New Frontiers

The other day I read an article on a website called WOW!- Women on Writing-  about five women like me that had little success finding represenation for the works they had written.  Each one of them decided to strike out on their own and explore the world of digital publishing and had experienced great success.  According to statistics on the site, the purchase of digital reading material increased by 116% in the first quarter of 2011 while sales of paper copies dropped something like 25% as compared the same time last year. A month ago I would have told you this was rediculous.  I recently inherited a Kindle e-reader.  As a die hard paper copy reader, I wasn't exactly sure if this method of reading would work for me.  I went on and sought out a couple of free books.  They downloaded almost instantly and within minutes I was happily reading away.

I love my Kindle!  It has changed everything for me!

Each of the women had found not only financial success with digital publishing but personal satisfaction as well.  They could stand proud in the knowledge that they had achieved their main goal- getting their words out there and read by others. A goal I have struggled with repeatedly for several years. 

So, I thought to myself, why not give it a try?  As of yesterday, my novel Four Lucy Fight Club is available on www.!  Just type in my name or the book name into the search bar and there it is.

There was nothing more exciting then seeing my work with my name on it somewhere other than my flashdrive! 

The coolest thing about publishing with Amazon is that you DO NOT have to have an e-reader.  Kindle books can be viewed on any PC, MAC, Blackberry, Ipad or Itouch! Anyone with a computer can now read my book. 

I have always dreamed of being pulished the traditional way with an agent and an editor and the box of printed copies showing up at my doorstep so I resisted the idea of digital publication despite my husband's repeated suggestions to try it out.  But honestly, this is the 21st century and everything is changing so I figured maybe I ought to change my way of thinking as well.

Please take a moment to check out my book and let me know what you think either here or on FaceBook.  Thank you to everyone who has supported me along the way, those of you who have read excerpts and those of you that encouraged me to keep on writing even when I was frustrated and determined to hang up my laptop.
I have included the link here:

I doubt that I will ever make it to the New York Times bestseller's list taking this nontraditional route but I honestly don't care so much.  I hate to be photographed and television interviews wouldn't work for me anyway- I get all tongued tied with a microphone pointed at me! 

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