Friday, September 30, 2011

Even the Tiniest Among Us Grieve

    I feel as though I have been neglecting my in recent weeks.  So much has been happening in my world that it seems as though writing for relaxation has been shoved to the way back burner.  I would first like to thank those of you that have checked out my first "publication" on  The process of publishing the first book went so well that I have decided to post some of my other completed works.  "Four Lucy Fight Club" now has some company on my Amazon bookshelf.  If you take a minute to check it out, you will find my first romance with a little twist of Greek mythology entitled "Atlantis Had a Sister" as well as one of my crime novels "The Devil and Kate McNally".  I have a couple of others that I intend to place on the digital bookshelf as well in the coming weeks.  Amazon has also set me up with a Web Page on their author central site.  As soon as I have done some work on it I will post a link to that for you all to check out.

   I just have one favor to ask.  Anyone who has read any of these books, even prior to digital publication, please take a few minutes to find them on Amazon and write a review.  I would really appreciate it.

    Anyone who is interested in reading them, you do not have to have a Kindle reader to access them.  A PC, Mac, Ipad, Itouch, blackberry and several other electronic devices have or can have the free Kindle App or software.

    I am just so excited that I can finally get my work out in the world!  It makes writing fun and worthwhile again knowing people will actually get to read the things I create. 

   By the way, I made them as cheap as Amazon would let me! 

    I wish I could say that all I have had to worry about is publishing my books but alas, as the way of the world always goes, there has been a wagon load of goodies to deal with at home as well.  As many of you may remember, my mother in law passed away about four weeks ago.  Last week my father in law came for a visit to bring some things to us and take care of some business with my husband.  He has been here for almost two weeks now and I have got to say that as much as I have enjoyed having him here it has been tough not having his other half with him.  My little one has been under a great deal of stress- not sleeping well, crying at school and even regressing to baby like behaviors at home in an effort to get extra attention.  We have determined that he is indeed grieving not only the loss of his grandmother a few weeks ago but his grandfather barely a year ago.  His separation anxiety is out of this world and I have felt so helpless- I don't know what to do to make it easier for him. 

    I suppose it is a testament to how much his grandmother was a part of his life.  Five is so young to have to deal with loss, not just once but twice even.

   When I think how hard it has been for me though, and I understand what has happened, I can not imagine how his little mind is trying to wrap itself around the loss and make some sort of sense of it.

   I have determined that death sucks just about as much as cancer and war and poverty and the recession.  The everlasting reprecussions of the death of a last one are like the ripples in a pond- one blends into the one in front of it and we never quite make it back the calm, smooth existence we had before we lost someone we loved.

   In just a few minutes I will head over to pick up my baby from school.  I will hug him and shower him with attention and affection.  We will cuddle and read stories and play together yet nothing I will do this weekend will ever be enough to mend the tiny little break in his tiny little heart.

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