Thursday, June 30, 2011

Of Wealth and Riches

   As much as I love living near the beach, I find myself just a tiny bit homesick for New England this week.  As we have gone back and forth between the hospital and my inlaws' house I have found myself marvelling at the beauty of the lush greenery, the hilled lanscape and the mountain backdrop that comes with living in a valley.  The  five years I lived here prior to relocating to the south instilled at least a touch of New Englander in my blood.  Summers spent camping in the White Mountains of New Hampshire and the Green Mountains of Vermont have been sorely missed in the flatlands of sountern Virginia. 
    Friends, too, are missed.  Although we have not had the time to socialize this week, just being here has reminded me of the time spent cooking and sharing meals with friends who will always be near and dear to us.  Carlos and Judy, you have no idea how much we miss you and all those summer dinners at your house or ours.  I miss listening to Judy sing lullabys to my boys in Spanish and sitting by the campfire watching Carlos burn junkmail piece by piece.  Somehow our Goddaughter grew up and became a woman and her brother is sure not that same baby who used to spit up on my shirt every time I held him!
    Liz and Chris, we miss you too.  Despite Chris's decision to cross over to the dark side and become a firefighter, he and my husband could have been brothers!  Hailey, who once was small enough to sit in a hat box on my living room floor has become a preteen in a blink of an eye.  Driving by St. Patrick's Cathedral today reminded me of how I held Nathan as they poured the holy water on his tiny, infant head.
    So much we have missed yet so much we have gained.
   Our new home has been so good to us too - it is true what they say about southern hospitality, you know.  We have fabulous neighbors in a wonderful neighborhood.  If not for the kindness of two of those neighbors we might be retunring home to dead vegetables and a very dirty litter box. 
    The group of guys and gals my husband works worth, entrusts with his safety and depends upon for backup couldn't be better.  And my own work friends- the girls and Geoff(!) that always have my back and offer a shoulder to cry on or a joke to cheer me are awesome.  Of course, let me not forget Ms. Sherry who I love dearly or all the terrific women that teach at the boys' school.
    All in all we are an extremely lucky family with so many people to love and be loved by. 
    I always think of that old Girl Scout Camp song, "Make new friends but keep the old.  One is silver and the other is gold."  when I am feeling nostalgic like this.
    How fortunate we have been to have so much silver and gold come our way.  How rich we are to have so many fabulous people in our lives.
    I used to wish for wealth and fame.  As a teenager I wanted to be a famous doctor, revered around the world for my life saving cancer research.  In my twenties I wanted to solve crimes and work as a consultant for big name cases all over the country (think OJ Simpson and Jon Benet Ramsey).  In my thirties I am a wanna-be writer, a teacher, a mother and a wife with a state pension, a way too small emergency savings account and a house with a dilapidated roof. 
    I have never felt richer in my life.
    Sure I long to see my name on the cover of a bestseller.  And , yes, I would like to get paid for it but mostly because I need a new roof and have a student loan to pay off.  I have been asked what I would do if I one day did hit it big and find myself on the New York Times top ten list.  Would I buy a mansion?  Get a fancy car?  Go one a shopping spree?  Buy an expensive purse? Actually own more than three pairs of shoes (and several $2.00 Old Navy flip flops)?
    Honestly?  I love my home with the dilapidated roof and we have terrific neighbors, so why leave?  Maybe I would get another car- I have always wanted a '67 Ford Mustang Fastback in midnight navy.  But I hate shoes, never cared much for purses and prefer a t-shirt and denim skirt to any thing else in the closet. 
   I would pay off my student loan, take my kids to Disney World and maybe not stay at the budget resort.  I would still attend Saturday night bonfires, drink "mommy juice" from a plastic Solo cup and toast marshmallows with my kids.
    And if things go really well, I would have a great big party and invite all our old friends and all our new friends together.  I would make sure each and every one of you knew just how special and important you are to me and I would thank you for making me the richest woman on the planet.

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